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Constitution of Beta Alpha Psi


Section 1 - The purposes of Beta Alpha Psi shall be to:

  • recognize outstanding academic achievements in the field of accounting, finance, and information systems;

  • promote the study and practice of professional fields related to these disciplines;

  • provide opportunities for self-development and association among members and practicing financial professionals;

  • encourage a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibilities.

Section 2 –Non-discrimination, Open Membership, and Hazing

A. Beta Alpha Psi  never discriminate by race, religion, natural origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, an/or disability

B. Beta Alpha Psi membership and leadership must be open to all currently enrolled students at CSUSB, except that a social fraternity or sorority may impose a gender limitation as permitted by Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 41500.

C. Neither Beta Alpha Psi nor its members shall conspire to engage in hazing, participate in hazing, or commit any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces or tend to injure, degrade or disgrace any fellow student or person attending the institution.


The official name of the organization is Beta Alpha Psi. The seal shall be circular in form with the legend "Beta Alpha Psi" encircling a reproduction of the insignia and the year "1919."


Section 1 – Categories of Membership

A. Membership shall consist of five categories: Student, Faculty, Alumnus, Honorary, and Candidates. Students who have graduated and faculty who have terminated their employment shall become Alumni members.

Active Student - must be student at CSUSB, has declared themselves to be either an accounting, finance, or information systems student, meet the maintain the minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 overall or 3.25 cumulative grade average on the most recently completed 30 semester hours, gone through the pledge process, complete tutoring and community service requirements, attends 75% of all Beta Alpha Psi meetings and functions, and have no outstanding membership dues.

Faculty – must be initiated member of Beta Alpha Psi and a member of the faculty at CSUSB

Candidates - must meet the minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 overall or the 3.25 cumulative grade average on the most recently completed 30 semester hours, have completed 1 upper division accounting course, gone through the pledge process, complete tutoring and community service requirements, attends 75% of all Beta Alpha Psi meetings and functions, and have no outstanding membership dues.

Honorary – are those who are not students or faculty of CSUSB but who have been initiated as members because of their achievements or services to the accounting, finance, and/or information systems profession and community.

Alumni – are student members who are no longer concentrating in accounting, finance, or information systems or no longer associated with a collegiate institution

Section 2 – Membership Requirements

A. Members of Beta Alpha Psi must be enrolled as accounting, finance, or information systems students at an institution where there is a chapter shall be designated as Student members

B. The members of Beta Alpha Psi shall be those persons who have been initiated in accordance with the Bylaws of the Organization, have paid the required fees, and are in good standing.

C. Membership shall be open to all persons regardless of race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin, or veteran status.

D. Membership shall be evidenced by a certificate of membership, authenticated by official signatures and the seal of Beta Alpha Psi, that shall be issued to each Student, Faculty, and Honorary initiate upon payment of the candidate fee, as applicable.

Section 3 –Suspension

A. A member may be expelled for conduct detrimental to the purposes or interests of Beta Alpha Psi. Charges of such conduct must be made in writing to the faculty advisor and signed by a member of Beta Alpha Psi.

B. When such charges have been made against a member, the faculty advisor must make certain that the accused member is given notice and an opportunity to be heard concerning the charges. Notice must be given to the accused member by certified mail at least thirty days before the hearing, and such notice shall include: (1) a copy of the charges made against the member; (2) the time, date, and place of the hearing; (3) an explanation of the expulsion procedures which include automatic review by the Board.

C. A committee of chapter members, including at least two faculty members (exclusive of the faculty advisor) of Beta Alpha Psi, is to be selected by the Faculty Advisor and ranking chapter officer to investigate the charges and make a determination as to whether or not the accused member should be expelled. The findings should be based on a presentation of the charges by the accusing member and the accused member has the opportunity to appear and explain the actions in question.

D. If expelled, the member may request a hearing before the entire local chapter in a special meeting called for that specific purpose. A majority vote of the chapter may reverse the committee's findings.

E. If the local chapter's decision is to expel the member, details of the procedures followed, the evidence submitted, and the action taken shall be forwarded immediately to the Executive Office.

F. The local chapter's decision will be reviewed at the next regular meeting of the Board. Both the local chapter and the accused member shall be notified in writing by the Director of Administration and Development of the approval or disapproval of the expulsion.

G. If expelled by the local chapter, the member must surrender the membership certificate and other Beta Alpha Psi insignia to the local chapter. The local chapter shall forward the membership certificate to the Executive Office.

H. Student members of Beta Alpha Psi who relocate at another institution, either to complete their undergraduate program or to pursue a graduate degree, may become members of the local chapter provided they: (1) apply for membership and (2) meet all membership requirements for the local chapter. Candidates who relocate to another institution to complete their undergraduate program may become Candidates of the local chapter provided they apply to the local chapter and meet the requirements of the local chapter.

Candidates may be terminated for reasons enumerated in Section 1. If a Candidate is terminated, the local chapter shall notify the Executive Office within fourteen days of the termination.


Section 1- List of Officers

President, Vice President, VP of Operations, VP of Membership, VP of Fundraising, Treasurer, Secretary, & Faculty Advisor


Section 2 – Duties of Officers

The President presides at meetings of the chapter and of the executive committee; appoints such committees as the constitution or bylaws, or vote of the chapter shall provide; determines that all reporting responsibilities and other duties of the vice president, secretary, and treasurer are performed in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws; and seeks to promote the welfare of the chapter and Beta Alpha Psi.

The Vice President assists the President in the performance of prescribed duties and acts in the President's place in the event of absence or incapacity. In the event the office of the President is vacant, the vice-president shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President.

The Vice President of Operations helps organize all events on and off-campus. Is responsible for reserving meeting rooms and coordinating with local business professional for “Meet the Firms”, and is responsible for maintain records of tutoring hours performed by student members.

The Vice President of Membership is responsible for maintaining membership records and submitting them to Beta Alpha Psi national office. They are required collect and review all membership applications, responsible for collecting submitting members’ community service hours.

The Vice President of Fundraising is responsible for reaching out to the community and fellow students to secure donations for the organization. They are responsible for the organization and planning of fundraising events.

The Secretary records the minutes of the meetings of the chapter and the executive committee; ensures that the chapter on-line update is completed at least annually and that the membership roster is updated as necessary; ensures that the remittance of Candidate fees; initiation fees and chapter dues are paid in accordance with the Program of Chapter Activities; transmits to the Executive Office a list of chapter officers within fourteen days of their installation; prepares and transmits such other reports as required by the Board and the Program for Chapter Activities; and fulfills all other duties ordinarily associated with the office of the secretary.

The Treasurer collects money owed to the chapter, disburses for authorized purposes, maintains appropriate financial records, arranges for the audit, if one is required by the Executive Office or if one is desired by the local chapter, and prepares the local Chapter's tax return.

The Faculty Advisor serves as the advisor to the chapter and when requested to do so by the Board attests to the chapter's compliance with specified provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Program for Chapter Activities.


Section 1- Nominations

Nomination of officer shall be made before elections by any active student member before an election. Nomination must be made by the student who wishes to run for office. Nominations are by petition

Section 2 – Time of Elections

Elections are held annually during Fall quarter.

Section 3 – Procedures

Before the election the President will read the election procedures specified in the bylaws. The elections conducted by secret ballot and the ballots shall be counted by the President and recounted by the Vice president. Only active student members and candidate are allowed to vote. The officer candidate with the most votes will win the elected position.

Section 4 – Assumption of Office

New elected officers shall take office in the Winter quarter and shall serve for 1 year. Officers must attend the officer dinner to be sworn in.

Section 5 – Vacancies

If an officer resigns their position or is unable to fulfill it, a new candidate shall be selected by the current the current officers to fill the position, unless the position is the presidency. If the President’s position becomes vacant then it is filled by the current Vice President.

Section 6 – Impeachment

A chapter officer may be discharged if he/she:

  • Is not carrying out the duties of the office; or

  • Is not participating as a member of the Executive Committee; or

  • Is not adhering to the high moral and ethical standards of Beta Alpha Psi; or

  • Does not meet the requirements for membership as outlined in Article IV.

An officer shall be discharged by a majority vote (excluding the faculty advisor's and co-faculty advisor's vote) of all other chapter Executive Committee members in the case of suspensions or other disqualifying events. A chapter officer may appeal the decision to the local chapter in a special meeting called for that specific purpose. A majority vote of the chapter may reverse the committee's decision.


Section 1 – Quorum

A quorum shall be constituted when a majority of voting members of the Officers are present at called meetings, except as otherwise specifically designed in the Constitution or Bylaws of Beta Alpha Psi. In order for a matter, other than an amendment to the Constitution or Bylaws, to receive approval of the Board, it must be approved by a majority of the Board members entitled to vote. The President is a voting member of the Board.  Votes, other than those related to Bylaw changes, may be executed by email.

Section 2 – Schedule

Meetings are to be held every week on Tuesday at 4:00, except during the first and last week of each quarter. Meetings will not be held during the summer quarter. The meet shall last for no less than an hour and for no more than 2 hours. Member shall be notified of any additional meeting by email at least one day prior to the meeting.  


Section 1- Banking

The Treasury will be maintained by the treasurer and reviewed by the Faculty Advisor.

Section 2 – Dues

Dues are to be collected per semester or annually, the per semester dues are $52. If the member selects to pay dues annually then the dues are $70 not including the Candidate fee. New Candidate fees are $75. The dues are to be collected by the VP of Membership and then given to the club Treasurer.

Section 3 – Dispersal of Funds

In the event that organization is not active for two years any funds shall revert to the National chapter of Beta Alpha Psi Executive Office, 220 Leigh Farm Road, Durham NC 27707.  


The Constitution of Beta Alpha Psi may be amended by two-thirds vote of the full membership of the Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting.   A special meeting may be convened through an appropriate email protocol.

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