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Section 1 - The purposes of The Accounting Association shall be to:

  • recognize outstanding academic achievements in the field of accounting, finance, and information systems;

  • promote the study and practice of professional fields related to these disciplines;

  • provide opportunities for self-development and association among members and practicing financial professionals;

  • encourage a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibilities.


Section 2Non-discrimination, Open Membership, and Hazing

A. Beta Alpha Psi  never discriminate by race, religion, natural origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, and/or disability

B. Beta Alpha Psi membership and leadership must be open to all currently enrolled students at CSUSB, except that a social fraternity or sorority may impose a gender limitation as permitted by Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 41500.

C. Neither Beta Alpha Psi nor its members shall conspire to engage in hazing, participate in hazing, or commit any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces or tend to injure, degrade or disgrace any fellow student or person attending the institution.




The official name of the organization is the CSUSB Accounting Association




Section 1 Categories of Membership

A. Membership shall consist of two categories, current students and alumnus

Alumni – are student members who are no longer concentrating in accounting, finance, or information systems or no longer associated with a collegiate institution


Section 2Membership Requirements

A. Be an accounting or finance concentration major as a student at CSUSB.


Section 3Suspension

A. Suspension may result from rude misbehavior or disorderly conduct, also for failing to meet the requirements for officer positions, or for any other reason important to the conscience of the organization.




Section 1- List of Officers

President, VP of Operations, VP of Membership, VP Treasurer, VP of Publicity, & Faculty Advisors.


Section 2Duties of Officers

The president at meetings of the chapter and of the executive committee; appoints such committees as the constitution or bylaws, or vote of the chapter shall provide; determines that all reporting responsibilities and other duties of the vice president of Operations, VP of Publicity, VP of Membership, & VP Treasurer are performed in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws; and seek to promote the welfare of the Accounting Association and local Beta Alpha Psi Chapter. Work closely with Beta Alpha Psi President, faculty advisors, and both organization. Meet and greet visiting guest speakers, practitioners, and representatives. Obtain parking passes for each quarters guest speakers. Meet with the Accounting Board once every quarter. Organize announcement for weekly meetings.


The vice president of Operations assists the President in the performance of prescribed duties and acts in the President’s place in the event of absence or incapacity. In the event the office of the President is vacant, the vice president of Operations shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President. The vice president of operations helps organize all events on and off-campus. Is responsible for reserving meeting rooms and coordinating with local business professionals for “Meet the Firms”, and is responsible for maintaining records of tutoring hours performed by student members.


The vice president of membership is responsible for maintaining membership records and submitting them to the Accounting Association adviser and president. They are to require, collect and review all membership applications, responsible for collecting submitting members’ community service hours. VP of Membership are responsible for scheduling recruiting tables each quarter, and list for speaking to accounting and finance classes.


The Vice President of Publicity is responsible for the quarterly newsletter. As well as in charge of collecting fees from review courses and other companies who choose to advertise in organizations newsletter. Advertise weekly meeting through posters/flyers on the LCD screen on the first floor of Jack Brown.

The faculty advisor serves as the advisor to the chapter and when requested to do so by the Board attests to the chapter’s compliance with specified provisions of the Constitution, Bylaws, and program for Club Activities.




Section 1- Nominations

Nomination of officer shall be made before elections by any active student member before an election. Nomination must be made by the student who wishes to run for office. Nominations are by petition. The officers may nominate and elect a person if an emergency election is required however a major vote is needed.

Section 2Time of Elections

Elections are held annually during the first two weeks of the fall quarter or emergency elections may be held as needed.

Section 3 Procedures

Before the election the President will read the election procedures specified in the bylaws. The elections conducted by secret ballot and the ballots shall be counted by the President and recounted by the Vice president. Only active student members and candidate are allowed to vote. The officer candidate with the most votes will win the elected position.

Section 4 Assumption of Office

New elected officers shall take office in the Winter quarter and shall sever for 1 year. Officers must attend the officer dinner to be sworn in.

Section 5Vacancies

If an officer resigns their position or is unable to fulfill it, a new candidate shall be selected by the current the current officers to fill the position, unless the position is the presidency. If the President’s position becomes vacant then it is filled by the current Vice President.

Section 6Impeachment

A chapter officer may be discharged if he/she:

  • Is not carrying out the duties of the office; or

  • Is not participating as a member of the Executive Committee; or

  • Is not adhering to the high moral and ethical standards of the Accounting Association; or

An officer shall be discharged by a majority vote (excluding the faculty advisor's and co-faculty advisor's vote) of all other chapter Accounting Association members in the case of suspensions or other disqualifying events. A chapter officer may appeal the decision to the local chapter in a special meeting called for that specific purpose. A majority vote of the Association may reverse the committee's decision.




Section 1Quorum

A quorum shall be constituted when a majority of voting members of the Officers are present at called meetings, except as otherwise specifically designed in the Constitution or Bylaws of the Accounting Association. In order for a matter, other than an amendment to the Constitution or Bylaws, to receive approval of the Board, it must be approved by a majority of the Board members entitled to vote. The President is a voting member of the Board.  Votes, other than those related to Bylaw changes, may be executed by email.


Section 2Schedule

Meetings are to be held every week on Tuesday at 4:00, except during the first and last week of each quarter. Meetings will not be held during the summer quarter. The meet shall last for no less than an hour and for no more than 2 hours. Member shall be notified of any additional meeting by email at least one day prior to the meeting.  




Section 1- Banking

The Treasury will be maintain by the treasurer and reviewed by the Faculty Advisor.

Section 2Dues

Dues are to be collected per semester or annually, the per semester dues are $45. If the member selects to pay dues annually then the dues are $60. The dues are to be collected by the VP of Membership and then given to the club Treasurer.


Section 3Dispersal of Funds

In the event that organization is not active for two years any funds shall revert to the National chapter of Beta Alpha Psi Executive Office, 220 Leigh Farm Road, Durham NC 27707.




The Constitution of Beta Alpha Psi may be amended by two-thirds vote of the full membership of the Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting.   A special meeting may be convened through an appropriate email protocol.

General Meetings:

Tuesdays (& Occassional Thursdays)

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 

Location: On Campus and Zoom

    JHBC - Room 113


 2025 © Beta Alpha Psi - Iota Eta #215 at CSUSB is a student organization registered as a Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, the honors accounting organization.


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